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Explore the extensive press on Dr. Donna Walton, a renowned author and advocate, whose works delve into critical topics such as disability advocacy, empowerment, and overcoming adversity.

Dr. Walton has also produced a diverse body of work that reflects her deep commitment to raising awareness and promoting inclusion. Her writings inspire and challenge societal perceptions of disability. Her publications offer invaluable insights, particularly focused on the experiences of women of color with disabilities, encouraging resilience and fostering a greater understanding of the complexities surrounding disability and empowerment.

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By Dr. Donna R. Walton February 22, 2018
Black women with disabilities are often underrepresented in mass media, where stereotypes and negative portrayals persist. The Divas With Disabilities (DWD) movement aims to change this by empowering women of color with disabilities and promoting their visibility through various media platforms. By amplifying their voices and celebrating their multifaceted humanity, DWD seeks to reshape perceptions and ensure their rightful place in history and popular culture.
By Dr. Donna Walton February 28, 2017
Black people with disabilities have made significant contributions throughout American history, though many of their stories remain untold. Figures like Thomas Wiggins, a gifted musician born into slavery, and Johnnie Lacy, a disability rights leader, exemplify the intersection of Black and disabled identities in shaping our nation's legacy. As we celebrate Black History Month, we honor these trailblazers and the ongoing contributions of African Americans with disabilities today.
By Donna R. Walton, Ed.D. February 1, 2011
Donna R. Walton, Ed.D., explores the intersectional challenges faced by African American women with disabilities, focusing on the compounded effects of race, gender, and disability. It examines societal biases, the lack of representation in media and policy, and the impact of stereotypes on self-esteem, body image, and sexual identity.
By Donna R. Walton, EdD July 19, 2006
Discover the This is the personal journey of Donna R. Walton, Ed.D., an African American amputee, as she navigates societal perceptions of "normalcy" while building self-esteem and redefining her identity.
By Chris Khani August 1, 2002
In her youth, Donna Walton, like many young girls, dreamed of stardom. Today, in her 40s, she still dreams of stars, but instead of striving to be a famous singer or dancer herself, she's now on a mission to bring out the star in others.
By Dr. Donna Walton January 9, 1994
Donna shares her personal experiences where both men and women have expressed misguided beliefs, from curiosity about her ability to "catch a man" to assumptions about sex being painful or somehow different for her.
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