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Explore the extensive press on Dr. Donna Walton, a renowned author and advocate, whose works delve into critical topics such as disability advocacy, empowerment, and overcoming adversity.

Dr. Walton has also produced a diverse body of work that reflects her deep commitment to raising awareness and promoting inclusion. Her writings inspire and challenge societal perceptions of disability. Her publications offer invaluable insights, particularly focused on the experiences of women of color with disabilities, encouraging resilience and fostering a greater understanding of the complexities surrounding disability and empowerment.

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By Dr. Donna Walton April 4, 2022
DIVAS stands for Dynamic, Illuminating, Victorious, Achieving Sisters. Dr. Donna Walton shares how her experiences at the intersection of being Black, female, and living with a disability inspired the creation of this impactful organization. She highlights the core mission and vision of DIVAS: to challenge stereotypes, dismantle stigma, and promote the social inclusion of women with disabilities.
By CARE Atlanta March 23, 2022
Join Dr. Donna Walton, Founder and President of @divaswithdisabilities, as she emphasizes the importance of viewing disabilities as part of one’s identity, not as a limitation or barrier.
By Donna Walton June 21, 2021
Join Dr. Donna Walton, Founder and President of the DIVAS with Disabilities Project (DWD), and Shameka Andrews, a Global D.I.V.A. Ambassador, as they dive into the mission and vision of DWD.
By Dr. Donna Walton February 7, 2021
Meet the powerhouse behind Shattered Dreams, Broken Pieces and The Divas With Disabilities Project (DWD), an inspiring movement amplifying the voices and images of Black and Brown women and girls with physical disabilities.
By The Thornton Business Hour August 17, 2018
Dr. Donna Walton, author of Shattered Dreams Broken Pieces, joins The Thornton Business Hour to share her insights and experiences. This weekly show on Radio One's WOL 1450 AM highlights leaders, successful businesses, and innovative startups, offering valuable information to inspire and educate listeners.
By Shine Your Light July 8, 2018
In this episode of Shine Your Light #66: What's A Leg Got To Do With It? Dr. Donna Walton shares her inspiring journey of resilience, overcoming challenges, and redefining strength after limb loss. Tune in for powerful insights on courage, identity, and breaking societal perceptions.
By MyNDTALK with Dr. Pamela Brewe March 23, 2018
Dr. Donna Walton joins MyNDTALK with Dr. Pamela Brewer for a thought-provoking discussion on What's A LEGG Got To Do With It? Explore her journey, insights, and perspective on resilience, identity, and overcoming challenges.
By MyNDTALK with Dr. Pamela Brewer March 23, 2018
Dr. Donna Walton joins MyNDTALK with Dr. Pamela Brewer to discuss her inspiring journey featured in Shattered Dreams, Broken Pieces. Tune in as she shares insights on resilience, recovery, and overcoming life’s challenges.
By Cable Radio Network’s AM Show, hosted by Jack Roberts and Paul Stern. April 4, 2017
Join hosts Jack Roberts and Paul Stern on the Cable Radio Network’s AM Show for engaging discussions, interviews, and insightful analysis. Tune in for a dynamic blend of conversation, news, and commentary.
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