As a public speaker, Dr. Walton is using her platform to ensure that issues of concern to women with disabilities; women of color/Black women with disabilities, are brought to the forefront each and every day.
She is reaching women to not only to speak to them about living their lives gracefully in the face of adversity, but to encourage all women sharing her very personal experiences and her first hand knowledge as a woman who has also felt the marginalization and oppressive tactics being used as she sought her education and her right to the same freedoms and protections that her nondisabled peers received and obtained without pushback or hurdle.
Look no further for a dynamic and motivating speaker. Donna has an ability to captivate audiences through her trademark blend of humor, storytelling, and bringing about a sense of greater awareness that challenges outdated views. This approach has earned her numerous speaking opportunities, including:
• The African-American Women on Tour Conference
• The United States Conference on AIDS
• Department of the Army
• Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and
• J.W. Marriott Hotel Annual Associates Program
• Donna has also traveled the country to schools and universities alike, and in the past has spoken at Spelman College, Ball State University, and Georgetown University.